Drowning / Near Drowning

Drowning/Near Drowning. Drowning is fluid induced asphyxia. Near drowning is the term used when a victim is successfully resuscitated following a drowning episode. Causes of Drowning. A swimmer or diver can fall victim to drowning because of overexertion, panic, inability to cope with rough water, exhaustion, or the effectsof cold water or heat loss. DrowningRead More


Every cell in the body must obtain energy to maintain its life, growth, and function. Cells obtain their energy from oxidation, which is a slow, controlled burning of food materials. Oxidation requires fuel and oxygen. Respiration is the process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide during oxidation and releasing energy and water. Gas Exchange. FewRead More


Barracuda. More than 20 species of barracuda inhabit tropical and subtropical waters from Brazil to Florida and the Indo-Pacific oceans from the Red Sea to the Hawaiian Islands. The barracuda is an elongated fish with prominent jaws and teeth, silver in color, and with a large head and V-shaped tail. It may grow up toRead More

Cone Snails

Cone Snails Cone snails (sometimes called cone “shells”) are widely distributed in all regions and usually found under rocks and coral or crawling along the sandy bottom. The snail’s shell is most often symmetrical in a spiral coil and colorfully patterned on its surface, with a distinct head, one to two pairs of tentacles, twoRead More

Killer Whale

Killer Whales. Killer whales live in all oceans, both tropical and polar. These large mammals have blunt, rounded snouts and high black dorsal fins. The jet black head and back contrast sharply with the white underbelly. Usually, a white patch can be seen behind and above the eye. Killer whales are usually observed in packsRead More



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